Wednesday, October 29, 2008
EGA. Indianapolis. 13.1. She reports that it was too warm for her KRAC shirt, which has long sleeves, but in keeping with tradition made a political statement instead.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
In the back of my mind is the inevitability of running the NY Marathon. EGA is thinking she might run Chicago if she is still living in Indiana next year, and that would be fun to do again, but when I think about Father's Office I know that I need to get back to LA.
Friday, October 24, 2008
I am a slug. I haven't run three days a week since I can't remember. I am pointing towards the Turkey Trot (we'll be in town this year) to re-energize my training, but I think what I need is something to point towards, and here is what I am thinking: the New York Half Marathon. It's run some time in January (they haven't announced the date yet), and then after one or more of these joints.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Mad props to EGA, who turned in a snazzy 1:54:36.9 (08:44 a mile, 31st in her age group) at the Indianapolis Half Marathon. 13.1 is a lovely distance, and she reports that the weather was ideal. Hal Higdon got her there, but the real secret was training on the Bloomington hills. Indy is a pretty flat course, but every time she encountered an incline she was able to open it up a little and motor past runners who were struggling. (Cross-posted from Outside Counsel.)