Wednesday, January 28, 2004

I'm thinking that I am just about where I want to be in terms of establishing a base-- I am going 3 miles a day, five days a week, pretty much, at 8 minute mile pace. On Saturdays I have supplemented this with a 20 minute swim.

What I want to do for February is pick up the pace a bit, while keeping the distance more or less constant-- ideally finish Black History Month working out somewhere between 7:30 and 7:45 minute miles, with my Saturday Blast consisting of a four mile run and a half hour in the pool. At that point I will have as much speed as I am likely to get, and I can start focusing on adding miles-- I don't figure on running outside much in February, and adding distance isn't realistic until I can do that. By the end of March, I want a couple of five milers a week-- and isn't that when we start going to the Ridge? Ideally I'll be down around 185 by then, still shaped like a seal, but a buff seal....

In the meanwhile, I'm going to have to get hooked up with some anti-inflamatories.

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