Friday, February 27, 2004

One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies is the part in "My Dinner With Andre" when Andre Gregory orders something in French. The Wallace Shawn charactor is clearly intimidated by the very elegant restaurant, and the waiter helpfully murmers, "The quail, very good." Shawn siezes upon this and says that he will have the same. When the dish is brought to the table, he is taken aback. "I didn't realize they'd be so... small," he says. This is how I feel every year when I get paid for my annual teaching gig. Don't get me wrong-- I love to do it, and I would probably do it for free. It is a lot of fun, and it is an honor that the law school asks me to do it. Even so, when I open that envelope I think to myself, "I didn't realize it'd be so... small."

I'm going to take a good sized piece of it down to Fleet Feet tomorrow, and see what they have for an over-pronater this season.

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