Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I am enjoying the Democrat Show, although I am not such a masochist to submit myself to the whole thing every night. (EGA caught a glimpse of Teddy and said, "Huh. I always associate Kennedys with youth and vigor.) When Clinton was onstage two nights ago they played "Don't Stop", and I realized that he'd effectively made the song his theme. I think that this is something that started, in politics at least, with dosages (not even a particularly good Neil Diamond Song, although "Cracklin' Rosie would have lacked context). Now, I'm enough of a traditionalist to prefer organ music at the ballpark, but even I have to admit that I like it when a guy comes to the plate and they play a few bars of an appropriate song. It could be done better-- what couldn't?-- but it got me thinking: what songs do we want played when we are introduced at the starting line? My theme, Pete Townsend's "Misunderstood", doesn't really work in this context (although it'd be fine if I won an Academy Award). Maybe "Slow Ride"?