Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Achilles tendonitis. Patellofemoral syndrome. Gout. You guys get injuries associated with over-training, I get something associated with eating too much fois gras.

Right now I'm starting a massive anti-inflammatory cocktail, and we'll see how it goes. My most optimistic projection is that I'll be able to run on Saturday, but I can barely walk right now. I'm not sure how it'll respond to swimming-- I'll give it a shot tomorrow.

I was afraid of this-- my brother was diagnosed as a gout sufferer years ago, and he probably gave it to me. Of course, he probably has chlorophyll now instead.

Someday I'll be dead, and when that happens the surviving KRAC members can have a Bill Altreuter Memorial Race to benefit gout research. Won't that make a handsome shirt?

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