Friday, September 10, 2004

One of the things that's interesting about the training for the marathon is the way it has changed the way I enjoy running. For years I would go five or six days a week, mostly three miles, occasionally four, and during the Boilermaker training I'd ramp it up a bit. I am now finding that I get as much pleasure out of longer runs fewer times a week. The Saturday long runs are killer, but I really like the Wednesday medium runs-- this week's ten miler was a pleasure, out Niagara to Ferry, down the breakwater and back, along Ferry to Delaware and back to the gym. Nice. Cloudy and hovering around 70 it started to rain at about the seven or eight mile mark, but not hard, and I felt strong. My knee didn't feel so great after, so I took yesterday off, but I'm good for tomorrow's 14. When this is over I'm going to want to find a way to keep a occasional longer run in my kit, I think.

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