Monday, December 13, 2004

My 9/9 post on Outside Counsel-- the one that prompted the request to share my crack-- might not have been as far off as was widely assumed. "The games outside the division aren't as scary as all that: Jax at home for the opener; on the road against Oakland (whatever happened to Oakland?); away at Baltimore (I'll put that one in the "L" column in my mental chart right now); Rams at home; Seahawks at Seattle (another "L", I think); St. Louis at home; Cleveland, Bengels, 49's and Steelers to finish up. I can get to 10 wins-- the question is whether that's enough. The tricky part is that they won't be able to help themselves by beating division rivals after the road trip to Miami on December 5. They need to come on strong right out of the box, and hang on tight after that."

Woulda, coulda, but the team that has been playing lately is a lot better than the bunch that lost the opener, and lost to the Raiders. Getting to ten wins is still a longshot, but now that seems like a longshot because Pittsburgh is one of the two or maybe three best teams in the league. I didn't see that coming-- who did?-- but I'm thinking that I was closer than the chicken in Chinatown that plays tic-tac-toe would have been.

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