Sunday, January 02, 2005
"[P]art of what's so nice to run in Buffalo," for as long as I've been doing it has been Michael Beebe's column. I spend a lot of time in other cities reading other city's sports sections, and I've never seen anything quite like it-- sometimes it had useful tips, sometimes it had news about the local running scene, sometimes it just had news about upcoming races, but it was always worthwhile, and always an important part of the local running scene. At every race there was always a vague buzz about something that had been in "Beebe's column". Buffalo prides itself as being a good sports town, and there is no question that it has a great running scene. I wish that the great running scene got better coverage, but there is no way that Beebe can be faulted for the gaps-- for my money his column was one of the few consistently worthwhile parts of the Buffalo News, and I'll miss reading it.