Monday, April 11, 2005

I spent some time over the weekend investigating. First I took my bike out to see if I could chart a five mile course in Forest Lawn that would incorporate some hills. The short answer is that although one can get a nice workout in the cemetery, including some very challenging hills, the place has got more twists and turns than the collected works of O. Henry. Since my short-term memory is shot, the project proved to be beyond me-- I could mark the road with spraypaint, I suppose, but since Dave won't run at the Ridge because Joel Giambra says nay, I can just imagine his reaction if I went out and started tagging consecrated ground.

Yesterday I felt like cross-training, so after CLA's rugby game I rode again, out along the river to Mississippi Mudd's, where I had a hot dog. Some of the parks along the river are county parks, but the one that we used last year as a starting point is a Town of Tonawanda park, and was open and bustling. In fact it was so busy that I couldn't get a decent spin going, so I went home along Military Road. I finished just short of a 20 mile ride.

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