Saturday, July 16, 2005
It occurred to me this morning that the Saturday of the Subaru is one of the few Saturday mornings when I sleep in. After all the years I've run it, it remains one of my favorite events. For a long time this site was one of the first that came up when you Googled the race; now it has it's own site, just in time for some controversy. Derrick Jones, a Rochester runner, admitted that he cheated (and lied about cheating) in the 2001 edition of the race, cutting the course and thereby enabling his team to win the Open Men's team event. There is an lively discussion about it over at the Greater Buffalo Track Club site (I'm stirring the pot a bit). It would be interesting, in a way, to be good enough at this sport to cheat. Obviously I don't-- what would be the point? But this guy, Derrick Jones, is apparently good enough to run a race like the Subaru in twenty minutes on the level. Obviously he cares enough about the sport to put the work in to be good-- why would he dishonor that effort? I ran 39:07 (9:47 pace) in 2001-- I forget what nagging injury was plaguing me that year. Dave ran 29:13 (a snappy 7:18). Nancy ran 34:13(8:33).