Monday, April 24, 2006

I did my 8 on the bike path in the rain yesterday. After clearing the first stand of trees I came upon a group of high school age kids in hoodies and cargo shorts. "They're out to smoke a bone for sure," I thought as I passed them. I heard the sound of running just after, and them I was passed by one. My paranoia slipped in a little. I hadn't seen anyone else out here-- were they surrounding me? In fact, no. They were wannabe football players, out for a training jog, and I felt a little embarrassed. They say you know you are old when doctors and cops start looking young-- a corollary is that you are old when kids all look like hoodlums.

My other brush with the natural history of the Amherst Bike Path was more pleasing: just past the 3.2 mark a fox came blazing across the meadow-- the first time I've ever seen one that close. He ran a little like Doug Flutie used to, jumping up in the air every few yards to get a better look around. His disappeared into a stand of trees my the water, and the two geese that were over there set up a cacophony. I don't know who won that particular encounter, but long term my money is on the fox. The geese were pretty aggressive out there-- I got hissed at several times, but I am reasonably secure in my ability to outrun a goose.

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