Sunday, July 02, 2006

As Jim turned onto Lancaster we saw A. driving off. "She must be on her way to work," I said, and when I got into the house CLA confirmed this. There was no way to know when she'd be getting back, so I pulled on a fresh shirt, and got on my bike to go to UB.

It's 8.3 miles from my house to Lockwood, which turns out to be closed on Saturdays in the summer. I was beginning to feel pretty bonked, but I didn't want to go back the way I had come. Main to Bailey, Bailey to Grover Cleveland-- it wasn't very pretty, and there was a lot of traffic. "I'll get a hotdog," I reckoned. Distances had telescoped in my mind, so I picked up the bike path and proceeded to Old Man River. After my hotdog I could have cut down to Sheridan, then gone home along Elmwood or Military, but a ride along the river would be prettier, and really, how many miles would I have saved?

The answer, actually, is "about eight", but I made it home with 28 behind me, and still had time to shower and get to Coles. Jim and I watched the surprising French wax the Brazillians, and enjoyed a Racer or two, but I was in no shape for "Loves Labors Lost" thereafter, and fell asleep on the hill.

I love the summer.

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