Monday, January 22, 2007
The post-run hangover feeling is a delightful reminder of the small pleasures this sport brings: regardless of the length of any particular run, there is a moment that probably amounts to about 10% of the overall time when you feel great. Add to that the pleasure associated with stopping and you're still not at 50-50, and you still haven't gotten to the hangover. I only had the attention span for one football game yesterday (and everyone else in the house wanted to watch the CBC adaptation of Margaret Atwood's "Robber Bride") so I watched Bears/Saints instead of the more entertaining/satisfying Colts/Pats. For a while I'd switch during the commercial breaks, but that was discouraging so I went to bed. When you think about it, that's two, or even three, wrong choices. Bill Simmons commented last week that the Patriots have become the Yankees of the NFL, and attempted a defense. In truth, I have never liked any, New England team, and although I have no particular love for Indy, I do enjoy watching Dan Marino suffer under the yoke of "Best Quarterback Who Never Won the Big One" and hope to continue watching that for a while longer.