Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The course map for the Half Marathon has been released; it is quite a different route this year. We'll start on Franklin near Tupper, then go out along Niagara to Porter, then back through LaSalle Park, past the condos and around the Marina. From there we head out Marine Drive and down South Part to Ohio to Fuhrmann until we get to Tift Street. We'll turn around there, and work our way back until the finish, in front of the Convention Center.
Frankly, I think it is a more interesting course than the Journey Into Kenmore-- but there won't be much by way of crowd support. Runners who are going whole hog will go around Niagara Square, up Delaware to North, over to Richmond, around Colonial Circle to Bidwell to Middlesex.... They'll tak in some of Hertel, Delaware Park and Forest Lawn, then head for home down Linwood. It looks to me like a course that will showcase some of the most attractive parts of the city, with very little of the industrial desert that characterized LA.
Frankly, I think it is a more interesting course than the Journey Into Kenmore-- but there won't be much by way of crowd support. Runners who are going whole hog will go around Niagara Square, up Delaware to North, over to Richmond, around Colonial Circle to Bidwell to Middlesex.... They'll tak in some of Hertel, Delaware Park and Forest Lawn, then head for home down Linwood. It looks to me like a course that will showcase some of the most attractive parts of the city, with very little of the industrial desert that characterized LA.