Thursday, December 01, 2016

The NFL (and quite a few sportswriters) are struggling to figure out why football's TV ratings are in decline. It really isn't a mystery, and it is not because of market saturation, or the election, or anything else except this: the sport can no longer be engaged in safely. I stopped watching boxing-- not so long ago the most popular sport in the world-- when I realized that the actual point of it was to inflict neurological damage on one's opponent. Football isn't quite at the point where the goal is to cause injury, but it is very nearly so. The athletes are so strong and fast that injury is essentially inevitable, and the grace and athleticism that makes the sport so exciting also mean that in any given season the players who are the athletes you want to watch are going to be sidelined by injury for weeks. That's not cool, and people are becoming increasingly aware of the extreme punishment the athletes endure. "Injuries are a part of football," they say, but I don't want to watch a sport where an entire season can turn on an injury. I want to watch sports where the skill and athleticism of the participants are on display, not a human demolition derby. This makes me sad, and I will admit that I haven't quit on football altogether, yet. But that day is coming, and if the NFL doesn't realize it, perhaps the communities that are being pressed to pay for newer and fancier stadiums ought to. Someone is going to be left holding the bag on this, and I don't imagine it will be the team owners

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